Review Process
The review process for the Kinaa Journal of Christian Leadership includes the following steps:
1. The Editorial Team receives the manuscript from the author to conduct the first screening stage. At this stage, the Editorial Team decides whether to continue the process or reject the manuscript. The first screening process includes template accuracy, a similarity test, and substantial potential.
2. If the manuscript has the potential to proceed to the review stage, the Editorial Team will anonymize the manuscript before the review process by the reviewers. This review process is known as a double-blind review.
3. The Editorial Team will receive reviews from the reviewers as consideration for the manuscript that has been reviewed. This process decides whether to decline, resubmit for review, or require revision.
4. If the manuscript is not rejected, the author must improve. The improvements are made by responding to each note from the peer reviewers with a response to the comment reviewer sheet.
5. The editorial team makes the final decision regarding the manuscript's acceptance. In this section, the editor can reject the manuscript if the improvements are not comprehensive.
6. Accepted manuscripts enter the layout process. Each author can provide input during this process. A similarity test will also be attached in this section, and authors can download it in the Layout column.
7. Finally, the manuscript is ready for publication when the process is complete.